COVID-19: DOs and medical students share their experiences
“Students are coming together virtually instead of physically, we are studying in new and interesting ways, and we are working together, just not in the same space. What has originally been perceived as a world frozen in time has actually become one of the most productive and efficacious periods during my education at ARCOM.”
More universities put on-campus classes on pause
Arkansas Colleges of Health Education, a private institution in Fort Smith that includes an osteopathic medical school, announced Friday that its Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine and a master’s program in biomedicine are moving to online classes next week.
Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine announces responses to COVID-19
The Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM) will move its classes online, recall third-year medical students on clinical rotations and halt tours and meetings by outside groups on the campus.
Medical college grant will benefit the River Valley
Published to on March 8. 2020 Written by Ivy Owen I was very happy to see that the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education and Degen Foundation have awarded the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine, a grant of $1.3 million. The grant will be used to...
Collaborative work needed to train, retain doctors
Several national reports include Arkansas in one of the most underserved regions in the nation in terms of healthcare. This quality of life issue led to the founding of the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) to help alleviate the tremendous shortage of physicians and other healthcare professionals in Arkansas.
NORD seeks to inform Fort Smith
Education News: Student physicians awarded, Connections Academy enrollment open
Published to: Written by: Times Record Staff Courtney Thrower a third-year medical student at the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine was recently elected to the national board for the Student Osteopathic Medical Association. Thrower will...
Hospital, college team up for residency program
Mercy Fort Smith and the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education are creating a residency program to help retain doctors in the River Valley while boosting Mercy’s staffing numbers.
$1.3M donation benefits New Mercy, ACHE medical school residency program; Retaining doctors will improve health care, boost economy in River Valley, leaders say
Mercy Fort Smith and the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) are developing a new residency program, thanks to a $1.3 million donation from ACHE with the assistance of the Degen Foundation.
Forbes: The Economic Development Administration’s Five Investment Priorities
The Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine was listed as an example of critical infrastructure in this article featured on Forbes.