Core Competencies & Program Objectives

American Osteopathic Association Core Competencies & Program Objectives

Using the seven core competency domains published by the American Osteopathic Association as a guide, ARCOM has incorporated competency training and assessment into its curriculum throughout the four-year course of study for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree program at a level appropriate for a medical student preparing to enter GME. Each competency and its overarching objective are shown below. The ARCOM faculty and administration have identified which core competencies are met in each course and rotation and specify said core competencies in each syllabi with delineation of learning objectives and assessment.

1. Osteopathic Philosophy/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards in osteopathic manipulative treatment appropriate to the specialty. Remain dedicated to life-long learning and to practice habits in osteopathic philosophy and OMM.

2. Medical Knowledge
Demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards of clinical medicine in the respective area; remain current with new developments in medicine and participate in life-long learning activities.
3. Patient Care
Demonstrate the ability to effectively treat patients and provide medical care that incorporates the osteopathic philosophy, patient empathy, awareness of behavioral issues, the incorporation of preventive medicine and health promotion.
4. Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that enable a physician to establish and maintain professional relationships with patients, families, and other members of health care teams.
5. Professionalism
Uphold the Osteopathic Oath in the conduct of one’s professional activities that promotes advocacy of patient welfare, adherence to ethical principles, and collaboration with health professionals, life-long learning, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population; be cognizant of physical and mental health in order to effectively care for patients.
6. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate methods of clinical practice; integrate evidence-based medicine into patient care; show an understanding of research methods; improve patient care practices.
7. Systems-Based Practice
Demonstrate an understanding of health care delivery systems; provide effective and qualitative patient care with the system; and practice cost effective medicine.

Visit the AOA website for additional information.